职称:Associate Professor, African American Studies, Anthropology, and American Studies
所属学校:Yale University
所属院系:Department of African American Studies
所属专业:African-American/Black Studies
Ph.D. Columbia University, 2004
Jafari S Allen is Associate Professor of African American Studies and Anthropology. Professor Allen works at the intersections of [queer] sexuality, gender and blackness. A recipient of fellowships from the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council Sexuality Research Program, and Rockefeller Foundation [Diasporic Racisms Project]; he teaches courses on the cultural politics of race, sexuality and gender in Black diasporas; Black feminist and queer theory; critical cultural studies; ethnographic methodology and writing; subjectivity, consciousness and resistance; Cuba and the Caribbean. Dr. Allen is the author of the critical ethnography, ¡Venceremos?: The Erotics of Black Self-Making in Cuba [Perverse Modernities series of Duke University Press, Fall 2011], and editor of Black/Queer/Diaspora– a special issue of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. His work can also be found in, for example: American Ethnologist (Volume 39 Number 2); GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies; Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society; Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power; Handbook of Sexuality, Health and Human Rights, edited by Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton, and a number of other publications. Allen is also the author of the introduction– “Crucial Palimpsest: Re-Reading Brother to Brother”– to the Redbone Press edition of Brother to Brother: New Writings By Black Gay Men, originally edited and introduced by Essex Hemphill and conceived by Joseph Beam. His current research project, tentatively entitled Black Queer Here and There: Movement and Sociality, traces cultural and political circuits of transnational queer desire—in travel, tourism, (im)migration, art and activism. Please visit Professor Allen’s website: www.jafariallen.com.