所属学校:American University
所属院系:Jewish Studies
所属专业:Jewish/Judaic Studies
联系方式:(202) 885-2976
Gregg Ivers is Professor of Government in the School of Public Affairs at American University. Professor Ivers is the author or editor of eight books, including To Build a Wall: American Jews and the Separation of Church and State, Creating Constitutional Change and Inside the Judicial Process. and numerous articles on constitutional law, civil rights and liberties, law and popular culture and other topics that meet at the intersection of law, politics and society. He is a past recipient of the School of Public Affairs Outstanding Teaching Award and Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award, and has been recognized by the Honors Program and University College for excellence in teaching and curriculum design. In 2009, Professor Ivers was appointed to teach in the University College, AU's innovative living-learning program for first-year students. Professor Ivers' latest book is Constitutional Law: An Introduction (2013), which is the first book in the field of public law designed exclusively for on-line learners, the fastest growing segment of undergraduate enrollment. The book includes an extensive website with innovative, interactive material and a multi-media design.