所属学校:North Carolina State University at Raleigh
所属院系: Psychology
所属专业:Psychology, General
Dr. Lynne Baker-Ward, Professor Psychology, has been on the faculty of the Department of Psychology at NC State University since 1985. She grew up in rural Western North Carolina and became interested in the effects of early experience on cognitive development when she was a young volunteer with a Head Start program. This experience led her to major in psychology when she enrolled at Wake Forest University where she was a Carswell Scholar, and to continue her training in developmental psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she held a NICHD Predoctoral Fellowship. Her research specialty is in cognitive development, especially memory development. Much of her work has examined the age-related cognitive changes that affect children’s capacities to provide testimony in legal proceedings, and the ways in which alternative approaches to the management of child witnesses affect the accuracy and completeness of young children’s reports of their experiences. With graduate student colleagues in the M&ND (Memory and Narrative Development) Laboratory, she is currently examining the development of autobiographical memory in typical and special needs children. Her formal teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses in child psychology and graduate courses in theories of development and cognitive development. A member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at NC State, Dr. Baker-Ward was named an Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor and has been honored on campus with the Parks Scholars Outstanding Mentor award, college awards for research and advising, and the Poole Award for Continuing Excellence in Teaching. She currently serves as Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Department Head for the Psychology Department and is a member of the Steering Committee for the Center for Developmental Science at UNC-CH, where she is a co-investigator with a longitudinal project funded by NSF. Her additional professional activities include current service as Chair of the Educational Testing Service’s Psychology Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Committee, membership of the editorial team of the Journal of Cognition and Development, and participation in the Department of Public Instruction’s K-3 Assessment Think Tank. She has also served on the editorial boards for Developmental Psychology and Child Development. Dr. Baker-Ward is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.