所属学校:University of Vermont
所属院系:College of Arts and Sciences
所属专业:Women's Studies
Tina Escaja: Professor of Spanish and Interim director of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies. She has published extensively on gender, technology and representation at the turn-of-the-twentieth-century and their connections with the current turn-of-the-millennium in Latin America and Spain. Her scholarly books include the monograph Salomé decapitada: Delmira Agustini y la estética finisecular de la fragmentación (2000) and the edition of essays Compromiso e hibridez: Aproximaciones a la poesía hispánica contemporánea escrita por mujeres. (2007). As a teacher and scholar, she has won the coveted Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award (2013) and the Dean’s Lecture Award for excellence in teaching and research (2010). Escaja is also an awarded poet, writer and digital artist. Her poetry has been translated into six languages and has appeared in literary collections around the world. Some of her digital work can be experienced at http://www.uvm.edu/~tescaja/ Prof. Escaja has served as Vice-President and President of the International Association of Hispanic Women's Literature and Culture (AILCFH), and is currently President of ALDEEU (Association of Spanish Professionals in America), Contributor to ANLE (Spanish Language Academy in the USA), and Vice-President of Red Poppy, a non-profit dedicated to promoting Latin American poetry in the United States. Prof. Escaja has been distinguished with the University Scholar Award at UVM (2015-2016)