所属学校:Tulane University of Louisiana
所属院系:African and African Diaspora Studies
所属专业:African Studies
联系方式: 504-862-3550
Dr. Cunningham's research focuses on resilience and vulnerability in adolescent populations. Using an ecological framework, he has published papers that focus on gender and context specific phenomena associated with mental health and academic outcomes among African Americans. His research examines several issues and themes, such as precursors to bravado attitudes in African American males; school and community associations with adolescent optimism; parental monitoring and social support as buffers to stressful situations; and the relation of racial identity to specific outcomes (e.g., academic & mental health). His research is supported by local and regional collaborative relationships with schools and community organizations. Interdisciplinary understanding is a core value associated with Dr. Cunningham's teaching. His philosophy of learning also includes in-depth analysis of topics from within and across disciplines. His formal training in Developmental Psychology supports this philosophy, as core aspects of human development include understanding how biological, cognitive, and socioemotional components interact to influence human behavior.