所属学校:University of San Francisco
所属院系:International Business
所属专业:International Business/Trade/Commerce
联系方式:(415) 422-4330
Ph.D., International Business/Strategic Management, School of Business, University of Kansas M.S., College of Business Administration, Iowa State University B.A., Shanghai University of International Studies
Professor Xiaohua Yang is garnering recognition in both the international academic community and media (Wenzhou Daily, Sing Tao Daily, and Lihong Radio) for her research on Chinese enterprises in the U.S. and the globalization of Chinese business. She explores, among other key specialties, the relationship between brand recognition and firm performance, internationalization of Chinese firms, R&D strategic alliances, and foreign market entry strategies. Dr. Yang is frequently invited to speak at international business conferences, forums and symposia - including HYSTA annual conference, Berkeley China Forum, Wenzhou Pareto Public Policy Colloquium, and Harvard Conference: China Goes Global. She brings her extensive academic and professional experience in Australia, Finland, Armenia, China, Taiwan, and the U.S. to her students and truly exemplifies the Jesuit hallmark of a global perspective.