所属学校:University of Vermont
所属院系:College of Arts and Sciences
所属专业:Physics, General
Current research interests include the kinetics of thin-film growth, and etching. Real-time x-ray and electron diffraction studies of materials growth and surface evolution.
2005 - present Associa te Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. Secondary appointment: Materials Science. Director of the Materials Science Program since 9/06. Research interests in the dynamics of sputter deposition, molecular beam epita xy, and pulsed laser deposition; growth and characterization of organic semiconductor thin films. 2001 - 2005 Department of Physics, University of Vermont, Assistant Professor Secondary appointment: Materials Science. Research in the area of kinetics of thin - film growth, and etching; real - time x - ray and electron diffraction studies of materials growth and surface evolution. 1991 - 2001 Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Senior Staff Scientist, Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source. Developed in - situ growth and surface processing capabilities on the 24 - pole wiggler station, A2. 1989 - 1991 AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff, with Dr. Leonard Feldman. S tudied ordered delta - doping of silicon, using x - ray scatteri ng to probe ordered buried layers in silicon. 1982 - 1988 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Graduate Research Associate Department of Materials Science and Engineering, with Professor William R. Graham. PhD Thesis title: “Geometric structure of adsorbate covered surfaces determined by medium energy ion scattering”.