所属学校:Purdue University-Main Campus
所属院系:College of Agriculture
所属专业:Food Science
Dr. Beckerman’s primary responsibility at Purdue University is to lead the plant pathology extension education effort in horticultural crops by developing and enhancing a close working relationship between the University, extension educators, and members of the fruit and ornamentals industries. There are two major approaches to managing plant disease in horticultural crops: Incorporating disease resistance, when possible, and utilizing fungicides, when necessary. The goal of her extension program is to enable commercial growers to effectively and sustainably manage both chemical (fungicide) and genetic (disease resistance) resources while protecting the environment. To this end, research in Dr. Beckerman’s lab includes: *Biology and management of apple diseases, including apple scab, bitter rot, canker diseases and sooty blotch and flyspeck, with a focus on fungicide resistance and improved delivery *Phytophthora biology and management in ornamentals *Morel biology and genomics
Biology and management of apple diseases, including apple scab, bitter rot, canker diseases and sooty blotch and flyspeck, with a focus on fungicide resistance and improved delivery *Phytophthora biology and management in ornamentals *Morel biology and genomics