

















Lewis L. Stevens

职称:Assistant Professor

所属学校:University of Iowa

所属院系:Pharmaceutics and Translational Therapeutics

所属专业:Pharmaceutics and Drug Design



Dr. Stevens’ current research interests focus on extending our knowledge of intermolecular interactions for insight into structure-function relationships in small-molecule and bio-inspired pharmaceuticals. The problem of drug delivery and bioavailability presents itself uniquely for each new pharmaceutical application and remains a fundamental question. A clear understanding of material property expression, as it relates to pharmaceuticals, is rooted in a diversity of coupled and competing mechanisms requiring a commensurably diverse scientific approach for transformative insight. My research program, with its cornerstone being the advancement of Brillouin scattering (an analog to Raman scattering) into a multi-dimensional, analytical tool, emphasizes physical chemistry and the interpretation of acoustic, vibrational spectra for expanding our mechanistic understanding of drug-delivery phenomena: protein aggregation, packing polymorphism and stress-induced phase nucleation/transformations. Predictive control of these phenomena extended to current and next-generation pharmaceuticals represents the ultimate goal of my research. Members of my group will gain a multi-disciplinary experience in protein dynamics (folding, aggregation), biopharmaceuticals, mechano- and physical chemistry of solids, laser-light scattering and high-pressure physics with the emphasis being a capacity to draw substantive connections across disciplines for application to pharmaceutics.Dr. Stevens’ current research interests focus on extending our knowledge of intermolecular interactions for insight into structure-function relationships in small-molecule and bio-inspired pharmaceuticals. The problem of drug delivery and bioavailability presents itself uniquely for each new pharmaceutical application and remains a fundamental question. A clear understanding of material property expression, as it relates to pharmaceuticals, is rooted in a diversity of coupled and competing mechanisms requiring a commensurably diverse scientific approach for transformative insight. My research program, with its cornerstone being the advancement of Brillouin scattering (an analog to Raman scattering) into a multi-dimensional, analytical tool, emphasizes physical chemistry and the interpretation of acoustic, vibrational spectra for expanding our mechanistic understanding of drug-delivery phenomena: protein aggregation, packing polymorphism and stress-induced phase nucleation/transformations. Predictive control of these phenomena extended to current and next-generation pharmaceuticals represents the ultimate goal of my research. Members of my group will gain a multi-disciplinary experience in protein dynamics (folding, aggregation), biopharmaceuticals, mechano- and physical chemistry of solids, laser-light scattering and high-pressure physics with the emphasis being a capacity to draw substantive connections across disciplines for application to pharmaceutics.


Dr. Stevens’ current research interests focus on extending our knowledge of intermolecular interactions for insight into structure-function relationships in small-molecule and bio-inspired pharmaceuticals. The problem of drug delivery and bioavailability presents itself uniquely for each new pharmaceutical application and remains a fundamental question. A clear understanding of material property expression, as it relates to pharmaceuticals, is rooted in a diversity of coupled and competing mechanisms requiring a commensurably diverse scientific approach for transformative insight. My research program, with its cornerstone being the advancement of Brillouin scattering (an analog to Raman scattering) into a multi-dimensional, analytical tool, emphasizes physical chemistry and the interpretation of acoustic, vibrational spectra for expanding our mechanistic understanding of drug-delivery phenomena: protein aggregation, packing polymorphism and stress-induced phase nucleation/transformations. Predictive control of these phenomena extended to current and next-generation pharmaceuticals represents the ultimate goal of my research. Members of my group will gain a multi-disciplinary experience in protein dynamics (folding, aggregation), biopharmaceuticals, mechano- and physical chemistry of solids, laser-light scattering and high-pressure physics with the emphasis being a capacity to draw substantive connections across disciplines for application to pharmaceutics.
