所属学校:Catholic University of America
所属专业:Music, General
联系方式:(202) 319-5417
Grayson Wagstaff, (Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin; B.M., James Madison University) was appointed in May 2010 to the position of Dean of the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music. Professor Wagstaff is a widely published authority on topics dealing with late-Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music in Spain and music in early Colonial Mexico; his interests include various aspects of sacred music such as Requiem traditions, Marian devotions, the services of Holy Week, and local chant repertories. His book Matins for the Dead in Sixteenth-Century Colonial Mexico appeared in 2007. He has contributed articles and reviews to such journals as The Musical Quarterly, Journal of the Royal Music Association, Heterofonía, Notes, Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, Inter-American Music Review, the Journal of Plainsong and Medieval Music, as well as the recent collection Cristóbal de Morales: Sources, Influences, Reception.
Wagstaff has also developed interests in a number of topics in twentieth-century music and recently presented a keynote lecture on the music of Heitor Villa-Lobos and works commissioned by the Library of Congress. Another lecture focused on the music of Desi Arnaz (I Love Lucy) and his popularization of Caribbean sounds in American television. Finally, Professor Wagstaff is active in a number of programs in arts education has given lectures at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, as well as for organizations such as Washington National Opera, Washington Performing Arts Society, Maryland Presents, and Smithsonian Associates.