职称:Assistant Professor
所属学校:University of the Pacific
所属院系:Athletic Training
所属专业:Athletic Training/Trainer
PhD, University of Northern Colorado, 2014 MS, California University of Pennsylvania, 2010 BS, California University of Pennsylvania, 2008
I believe that knowledge is best created through building on my own lived experiences and through the experiences of others. I intend on generating knowledge in the classroom through meaningful discussion and application of content to real world scenarios. Students should be free to think, to question, to reflect, and to interact with ideas, objects, and others in order to construct meaning (Brooks & Brooks, 1999). This freedom to open up and share ideas in the classroom requires a certain rapport between professor and students, as well as among students. The field of Sport Management is dynamic and largely applied. Lessons, therefore, cannot come simply from textbooks, but should also include real-world career preparation through the introduction of current journals, networking opportunities, as well as a variety of social media platforms through which students can engage and learn from current industry practice.