职称:Associate Professor
所属学校:University of Missouri-Columbia
所属院系:College of Veterinary Medicine
所属专业:Veterinary Pathology and Pathobiology
联系方式:884 0311
D.V.M., Ankara University, Turkey M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette Post-doctoral fellow, Indiana University School of Medicine
Research Emphasis: Our research interests are in the fields of cellular, biophysical, molecular and applied aspect of cryobiology and biology of mammalian germplasm (i.e. gametes, embryos, gonads), from particularly scientifically valuable animals. We are also interested in genome resource banking for scientifically important (transgenics, knockouts) animal models for human diseases. We are working on the development of reproductive technologies as they relate to gamete, embryo, and gonadal tissue biotechnologies such as genome cryobanking, human diseases model, and gene transfer in rats. We are using laboratory rats to develop strategies for human reproductive medicine via ovarian tissue cryopreservation and subsequent auto-transplantation for the prevention of infertility and bone loss in women.