职称: Professor
所属学校:Marquette University
所属专业:Physics, General
联系方式:(414) 288-2164
Katie Crosley received her Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of Miami, where she investigated informal environmental education practices and youth learning outcomes in the intersection of urban agriculture, environmental, and social justice movements in Miami, FL. In addition, Dr. Crosley has worked in field ecology for a number of years through her B.S. in Wildlife Biology from Purdue University where she specialized in biodiversity research and human dimensions of natural resource management. In the summers, she also takes middle school and high school students to South America on cultural and environmental learning expeditions. Her current research interests are focused on urban ecology, environmental education, and mixed-methodology. With her wide variety of disciplinary interests, Dr. Crosley is excited about joining the Physics Department at Marquette University this year to teach the integrated science ARSC 1020 course, where she is able to teach nearly all the subjects she's been involved with over the years!