所属学校:Colorado State University-Fort Collins
所属院系:Agricultural Sciences
所属专业:Agricultural and Extension Education Services
联系方式:(970) 491-5549
I am interested in how to analyze and make decisions about issues where agriculture and the environment collide. This includes a cross section of research fields such as policy, production economics, resource economics and regional economics. Current and recent projects include the use of conservation easements, elk and bison management in Yellowstone, ground and surface water contamination, manure management, invasive species, the economic returns to research, gender and risk, sexed semen in dairy cattle, decision analysis with multiple objectives, sustainability, and non-market valuation in wildlife refuges. I developed the award-winning RightRisk research and education program for risk management. I have worked with colleagues and state and federal agencies throughout the United States and in South Africa, Bolivia, and Australia.
AREC 478 – Agricultural Policy AREC 705 – Advanced Production and Technological Change AGRI 637 – Understanding Policy and Emerging Issues HONR 192 – Honors First Year Seminar Publications