所属学校:Arizona State University-Tempe
所属专业:Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
联系方式: 480-965-0917
Education Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1986; B.Comm., University of Toronto, 1980. Academic Positions Arizona State University: 1996-present. Previous Appointments: Concordia University, Wayne State University. Research Areas My research concerns the ongoing dance between individuals and organizations, including identity and identification, socialization and newcomer work adjustment, and the links among individual, group, and organizational-level phenomena. Recent work has focused on occupational identity, dirty work, ambivalence, and relational identities. Career and Recent Professional Awards; Teaching Awards JIM Outstanding Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management, 2014; Best Paper Award, Journal of Management, 2013 (for a paper with a 5-year track record): Outstanding Faculty Research, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, 2013; Keynote presentation, 2012 biennial meeting of the International Association for Chinese Management Research. Professional Leadership Senior Editor: Organization Science, 2009-12; Editorial Boards: Academy of Management Review, 2009-present. Representative Publications. Ashforth, B.E., Schinoff, B.S., & Rogers, K.M. (2016). “I identify with her,” “I identify with him”: Unpacking the dynamics of personal identification in organizations. Academy of Management Review, in press. Rogers, K.M., & Ashforth, B.E. (2016). Respect in organizations: Feeling valued as “me” and “we.” Journal of Management, in press. Christoforou, P.S., & Ashforth, B.E. (2015). Revisiting the debate on the relationship between display rules and performance: Considering the explicitness of display rules. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 245-261. Galvin, B.M., Lange, D., & Ashforth, B.E. (2015). Narcissistic organizational identification: Seeing oneself as central to the organization’s identity. Academy of Management Review, 40, 163-181. Ashforth, B.E., & Reingen, P.H. (2014). Functions of dysfunction: Managing the dynamics of an organizational duality in a natural food cooperative. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59, 474-516. Ashforth, B.E., Rogers, K.M., Pratt, M.G., & Pradies, C. (2014). Ambivalence in organizations: A multilevel approach. Organization Science, 25, 1453-1478. Sluss, D.M., Ployhart, R.E., Cobb, M.G., & Ashforth, B.E. (2012). Generalizing newcomer’s relational and organizational identifications: Processes and prototypicality. Academy of Management Journal, 55, 949-975. Ashforth, B.E., Rogers, K.M., & Corley, K.G. (2011). Identity in organizations: Exploring cross-level dynamics. Organization Science, 22, 1144-1156. Harrison, S.H., Sluss, D.M., & Ashforth, B.E. (2011). Curiosity adapted the cat: The role of trait curiosity in newcomer adaptation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 211-220.
ASU is a tier 1 research university and W. P. Carey is proud of its strong tradition of teaching and classroom excellence. Our students directly benefit from the research and theories our faculty brings into the classroom. Below is a list of courses being taught during the current semester by this faculty member. Click a course to view it in the ASU course catalog. MGT 791 - Seminar A small class emphasizing discussion, presentations by students, and written research papers. MGT 792 - Research Independent study in which a student, under the supervision of a faculty member, conducts research that is expected to lead to a specific project such as a dissertation, report, or publication. Assignments might include data collection, experimental work, data analysis, or preparation of a manuscript. MGT 799 - Dissertation Supervised research focused on preparation of dissertation, including literature review, research, data collection and analysis, and writing.