所属学校:Arizona State University-Tempe
所属专业:Art/Art Studies, General
Julie F. Codell is Professor of Art History at Arizona State University. For 2010-11, she was Interim Chair of Film and Media Studies at ASU, and has been Director, School of Art, 1991- 2001. She received her BA in English from Vassar College, an MA in English from the University of Michigan, and an MA in Art History from Indiana University, a Certificate in Renaissances Studies and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (specializing in Comparative Arts) from Indiana University. She is a faculty affiliate in the English, Film and Media Studies, Asian Studies, the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, and Gender and Women’s Studies. Her areas of specialization are Victorian culture, the Victorian press, Indian culture under the British Raj, life writings in Britain and India (autobiographies and biographies), Indian travel narratives, representations of race and gender, material culture and world film. She has published 150 books, book chapters, articles, encyclopedia entries and book and exhibition reviews on these subjects in prestigious scholarly journals and anthologies of collected essays. She wrote The Victorian artist: Artists’ Life Writings in Britain, ca. 1870-1910 (Cambridge, 2003; paperback rev. ed., 2012) and Images of an Idyllic Past: Photographs of Edward S. Curtis (exhibition catalogue, 1988). She edited Transculturation in British Art, 1770-1930 (Ashgate, 2012), Power and Resistance: The Delhi Coronation Durbars (Mapin, 2012), The Political Economy of Art (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2008), Genre, Gender, Race and World Cinema (Blackwell’s, 2007), Imperial Co-Histories: National Identities and the British and Colonial Press (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2003), and co-edited Orientalism, Eroticism and Modern Visuality in Global Cultures (with J. DelPlato, Ashgate, 2016), Encounters in the Victorian Press: Editors, Authors, Readers (with L. Brake; Palgrave Macmillan, 2004) and Orientalism Transposed: The Impact of the Colonies on British Culture (with D. S. Macleod; Ashgate, 1998). She was the guest editor for two volumes of Visual Resources on reproductions in art (2010, 2011), and for special issues of Victorian Periodicals Review on the 19th-century press in India (v. 37, 2004) and on Victorian art in the press (v. 24, 1991, 2 issues). Forthcoming and recent essays include essays on 19th-c. Orientalism; art history and fashion; material culture and Victorian art; 19th-c. cultural cross dressing; artist biopics; excess in Victorian culture; art museums in Baroda, India; Mahatma Gandhi; life writings; Victorian art criticism; the Victorian art market; replication in culture, science and manufacturing in the 19th-century.