所属学校:Arizona State University-Tempe
所属院系: Health Solutions
所属专业:Health/Health Care Administration/Management
Doebbeling is a thought leader in developing strategies using informatics, organizational change, partnership and engagement for health system transformation. He is a physician researcher, mentor and consultant in informatics, healthcare systems engineering and implementation science. He has been a tireless advocate for the role of informatics in informing evidence-based practice and driving system change. He has demonstrated excellence in research in biomedical informatics, on the use of clinical decision support and systems strategies to improve decision making, workflow, usability and drive system transformation. PCORI recently funded his team to improve efficiency and access to care in underserved community health centers. His work lays the groundwork for the Learning Healthcare System, through its focus on partnership, teamwork, collaboration and using HIT and data effectively to drive system transformation. Leader of multiple collaboratives, which produced important quality of care impacts and multiple publications. He has published over 210 peer-reviewed papers and received over $38M in peer-reviewed funding as PI or Co-PI. He has also trained over 50 research-oriented faculty, fellows, graduate and professional students, with over a dozen receiving research career development awards and many remaining in leadership positions in US and European universities. Research interest: His work focuses on making a difference in improving care, using data and technology to drive practice change, and involves active partnership with operations, clinicians and patients. Focuses on teamwork to understand multilevel factors in integrating clinical decision support, work and information flow, to develop tools to support improved care. Focuses on teamwork to understand multilevel factors in integrating clinical decision support, work and information flow, to develop tools to support improved care. He has developed important technical innovations, particularly in understanding work and information flow, applying novel methods from other disciplines. His work leading hospital collaboratives to reduce antibiotic resistant infections has been featured by ONCHIT for its public health and policy impact. He demonstrated that electronic alerts can notify of the need to isolate patients with resistant organisms early and to institute other measures to prevent transmission. He has developed important technical innovations, including a physician handoff tool disseminated in VA, advanced cancer prevention CDS, and a planning and scheduling tool for perioperative decision making. His work focuses on community participatory research, research collaboratives, patient- and staff-centered engagement and change strategies, applied helath informatics, and systems redesign.