所属学校:Arizona State University-Tempe
所属院系:Public Affairs
Nicole Darnall is Professor of Management and Public Policy in both the School of Public Affairs and the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University, and Associate Director of the Center for Organizational Research and Design. Her research investigates non-regulatory governance as it relates to global sustainability. Operating at this nexus of the policy and management sciences, she considers a variety of non-regulatory governance approaches (e.g., voluntary programs, strategic alliances, certification, and information-based initiatives) to determine whether the absence of state coercion, combined with appropriate incentives, can encourage organizations and individuals to behave more sustainably. Professor Darnall has served as Collaborative Visiting Fellow with the Economic and Social Research Council and the Social Science Research Council, an Erasmus Mundus International Scholar, and an International Fellow with the Spanish Ministry of Education. She has received the Academy of Management, Organizations and Natural Environment Division's Emerging Scholar Award for research excellence. Professor Darnall has served as Associate Editor of Business & Society and Organization and Environment and Editorial Review Board Member of both Cambridge University Press and Business Strategy and the Environment. Among other journals, her research has appeared in Strategic Management Journal; Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: Public Administration Review; Journal of Management Sciences;Journal of Environmental Economics and Management; Policy Studies Journal; Policy Sciences; Business Strategy and the Environment; Long Range Planning; Business & Society; Accounting, Organizations & Society; Journal of Business Ethics; Organization & Environment; Case Research Journal. Her research has received support from the National Science Foundation, the European Commission, the Economic and Social Research Council (U.K.), the Social Science Research Council (U.K.), the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (France). Before joining ASU, Professor Darnall was Associate Professor at George Mason University, and Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University. Prior to her academic career, she worked at Resources for the Future and was an economist for the U.S. Forest Service.