职称:Assistant Professor
所属学校:University of Maryland-Baltimore County
所属专业:Chemistry, General
The broad objective of my laboratory is to contribute to our understanding of how sequential metabolic enzymes are organized in living cells and how such metabolic organizations are spatially and/or temporarily regulated in response to cellular signals relevant to human diseases; including but not limited to cancer, diabetes and obesity.
Since the concept of the “metabolon” was conceived in 1970s, the discovery of the “purinosome”, a reversible metabolic macromolecular complex in human cells [S.An et al. Science (2008) 320, 103], stands as the first examples of transient metabolons in live cells and thus sets the stage for an extraordinary opportunity to explore the spatial and temporal advantages to the cell in assembling and disassembling this cluster of proteins. Indeed, my laboratory is highly motivated to further explore the purinosome and other cellular metabolons as the heart of human disease mechanisms. Collectively, the research projects in my laboratory have potentials to invoke a paradigm shift in our thinking about the operation of cellular biosynthetic pathways, and outcomes will be beneficial for human health.