所属学校:Boston University
所属院系:College of Arts & Sciences
所属专业:Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography
My research is multidisciplinary dealing with spatial analysis and modeling, GIS, data mining and information visualization and artificial neural networks. I have applied spatial analysis to address a variety of problems in biology, environmental science, public health and business. I have also worked on uncertainty issues related to GIS. I have used neural networks for pattern classification, estimation and mixture modeling. My current funded research includes development of a marine integrated decision analysis system (MIDAS) for Massachusetts, malaria risk mapping in Ethiopia, analysis of patent activities in China, and mapping health service delivery in Zambia. I am funded by the National Science Foundation on a GK-12 grant—Global Change Initiative—Research and Education (GLACIER) focusing on outreach to middle schools in the Boston area. In addition, I am funded by Rockefeller foundation on work related to data mining and visualization and the MacArthur Foundation on assessing the impact of climate change on food security and biodiversity in Cambodia.
2011 - Present Research Professor, Boston Un iversity Marine Program (BUMP) 2003 - Present Professor, Department of Geography, Boston University, Boston, MA.2001 - 2011 Research Assoc iate Professor, CNS Technology Lab, Boston University, Boston, MA. 2001 - 2003 Research Associate Professor, Boston University Center for Leading in a Dynamic Economy (BUILDE), School of Management, Boston University. 1996 - 2003 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Boston University, Boston, MA 1993 - 1997 Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Wirtchafsuniversitat, Vienna, Austria 1989 - 1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Boston University, Boston, MA.1989 Post - Doctoral Fellow, National Center for Geographic Information Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA