所属学校:Emory University
所属院系:French and Italian Studies, Core Faculty Comparative Literature, Core Faculty
所属专业:French Studies
联系方式: 404-727-2262
Geoffrey Bennington: Asa G. Candler Professor of Modern French Thought (DPhil. in French, Oxford University, 1984). Modern French Literature and Thought, Eighteenth Century Novel, Literary Theory, Deconstruction. Author of Sententiousness and the Novel, 1985; Lyotard: Writing the Event, 1988; Dudding: des noms de Rousseau, 1991; Jacques Derrida (with Jacques Derrida), 1991; Legislations: the Politics of Deconstruction, 1995; Interrupting Derrida, 2000; Frontières kantiennes, 2000; Frontiers (Kant, Hegel, Frege, Wittgenstein) (ebook, 2003); Other Analyses: Reading Philosophy (ebook, 2005) ;Open Book / Livre ouvert (ebook, 2005), Deconstruction is Not What You Think, (ebook, 2005), Late Lyotard, (ebook, 2005), Not Half No End (2010); Géographie et autres lectures (2011). Translator of works by Derrida, Lyotard and other French thinkers; author of over 100 essays published as chapters in books, or as articles in journals including Diacritics, Le contretemps, French Studies, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Oxford Literary Review, Paragraph, Parallax, Poétique, Ratio. Member of the French editorial team preparing Jacques Derrida's seminars (about 40 volumes) for publication (Editions Galilée), and General Editor (with Peggy Kamuf) of the English translation of those seminars (Chicago University Press). Currently writing a book entitled Scatter, on democracy, sovereignty, teleology and political judgment.