

















Dennis L. Shirley


所属学校:Boston College

所属院系:lynch school of education

所属专业:Educational Leadership and Administration, General

联系方式:(617) 552-1642


Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ed.D. in Teaching, Curricula, and Learning Environments, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988 New School for Social Research, M.A. in Sociology, New York, New York, 1980 University of Virginia, B.A. in Political and Social Thought, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1977


Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts • Professor of Teacher Education, 1998-present. Served as associate dean, 1998-2001 and department chair of teacher education, 2001-2004. Teach courses in the history, philosophy, and social contexts of education and conduct research in urban schools with K-12 teachers and administrators. In collaboration with colleagues, raised $8 million from Title II grants (1999) and $5 million from the Carnegie Corporation from a Teachers for a New Era grant (2003). Education Northwest Grant, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 2013-2018 • Received grant of $500,000 to develop a school improvement network of rural schools in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington Academic Technology Innovation Grant, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 20122014 • $80,000 technology grant to develop an iPhone application and affiliated digital tools based on research findings derived from leadership of The Mindful Teacher project with Boston Public School teachers (www.mindfulteacher.com). The Teachers Union Reform Network (TURN). Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 2010-2011 • Principal Investigator. Consult and conduct research with progressive teacher unions affiliated with the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. Develop TURN’s technical capacity, national change strategy, and assessment metrics. $100,000 one-year grant awarded by the Ford Foundation. See www.turnexchange.net. The Mindful Teacher. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 2004-2010 • Principal Investigator. Host seminars and lead and conduct teacher research with Boston Public School teachers. $300,000 six-year grant awarded by the Boston Collaborative Fellows program. See www.mindfulteacher.com. Raising Achievement, Transforming Learning. London, England, 2005-2006 • Principal Investigator. Conducted research and evaluation with Professor Andy Hargreaves and three Boston College doctoral students on a $90,000 grant awarded from the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust to study an innovative secondary school reform network comprising over three hundred schools in England. Massachusetts Coalition for Teacher Quality and Student Achievement, Chestnut Hill • Principal Investigator and Director, 1999-2005. Led a state-wide Coalition to improve the preparation of teachers for urban schools through innovative collaborations with arts and sciences faculty, public school personnel and community-based organizations. The Coalition consisted of seven higher education institutions; eighteen urban schools in Boston, Springfield, and Worcester; and three business partners. It was funded by a grant of $7.2 million over five years from the United States Department of Education. Project QUEST (Quality Urban Educators in Support of Teaching), Chestnut Hill • Principle Investigator and Director, 2002-2005. Led a state-wide initiative to provide mentoring for beginning teachers in the eighteen urban schools affiliated with the Massachusetts Coalition for Teacher Quality and Student Achievement. QUEST was funded by a grant of $450,000 over three years from the Massachusetts Department of Education. Project Zero, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts • Visiting Scholar, 1997-1998. Conducted and presented original research on community organizing and school reform to Harvard seminars and supported Project Zero initiatives in teacher education and school reform. Annenberg Rural Challenge, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts • Research Associate, 1997-1998. Conducted research on community activism and school reform in Texas and presented findings to Harvard’s Research and Documentation Team. Department of Education, Rice University, Houston, Texas • Professor, 1988-1998. Taught courses on the history and philosophy of education, the teaching of history and the social sciences in schools, and educational psychology. Linked instruction with school reform efforts in Houston and Texas, and conducted research on community organizing and school improvement in low-income urban and rural schools. The Rice School/La Escuela Rice, Houston, Texas • Executive Planning Committee, 1992-1994. Planned the creation of a new public school (kindergarden through eighth grade) which was a joint effort between Rice University and the Houston Independent School District. Organized conferences and workshops with keynote speakers from leading contemporary school reform movements. Raised funds to support the planning and recruited and hired two clinical faculty with expertise in elementary education, writing across the curriculum, and multi-aged classrooms.
