职称:Edytha Macy Gross Professor of Humanities
所属学校:Brandeis University
所属院系:European Cultural Studies
所属专业:European Studies/Civilization
Columbia University, Ph.D. Columbia University, M.Phil. Columbia University, M.A. Swarthmore College, B.A. Professor Miller is Edytha Macy Gross Professor of Humanities and Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature. She teaches and studies the fiction of writers in the nineteenth century. Her particular interest is in the novel, especially the novels of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Dickens. Her books include "Dostoevsky and The Idiot: Author, Narrator and Reader" (Harvard University Press, 1981), "Dostoevsky's Unfinished Journey" (Yale University Press, 2007), and "The Brothers Karamazov: Worlds of the Novel" (second edition, 2008, Yale University Press) as well as numerous articles and several edited or co-edited volumes, including "Tolstoy and the Genesis of War and Peace" (with Donna Tussing Orwin), by Kathryn B. Feuer (Cornell University Press, 1996) and "The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel" (with Malcolm V. Jones), (Cambridge University Press, 1998). The former work appeared in Russian translation in 2002
She was a 2013-2014 Guggenheim Fellow and Visiting Fellow at St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, where she began work on her current project, "Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and the Small of This World." She is also at work on an archival project tentatively entitled, "Kazuko's Letters from Japan." She served as Dean of Arts and Sciences from 1994-2000 and since then has been a spokesperson for the value of a liberal arts education. She has also served Chair of the Department of German, Russian and Asian Languages and Literature, as Chair of the Comparative Literature Program, and Chair of the Humanities Council, and, most recently as Senior Advisor to the Provost for Faculty.