职称:Professor and Head
所属学校:University of Connecticut
所属院系:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
联系方式:(860) 486-2196
I've led a number of instructional materials development projects in the Web including The Geographer's Craft Project and the Virtual Geography Department Project, funded by the National Science Foundation. Since 2002 I have led the Geography Faculty Development Alliance, funded initially by the NSF, to provide professional development opportunities for early career geography faculty. I am also co-PI on the AAG's Enhancing Departments and Graduate Education (EDGE) Project, also funded by NSF. I have served as president of the National Council for Geographic Education (2006) and president (2010-11) of the Association of American Geographers. I have received the AAG's J.B. Jackson Prize (1998) , the AAG's Gilbert Grosvenor Honors in Geographic Education (2005), the Royal Geographical Society's Taylor and Francis Award (2012), the Education Award of the University Consortium for GIScience (2013) and the National Council for Geographic Education's Distinguished Mentor Award (2013).
I joined the UConn faculty in 2013. My interests are in cartography and geographic information science particularly Internet-based applications; American and European landscape history, focusing on public memory and commemoration; and issues of geography in higher education particularly instructional technologies and professional development for early career faculty.