职称:Assistant Professor of Classics
所属学校:University of Southern California
所属院系:Department of Classics
所属专业:Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
联系方式:(213) 740-3685
Education Ph.D. Classics and Ancient Philosophy, Stanford University, 8/2007 B.A. Classics, Philosophy, Plan II, University of Texas at Austin, 12/2000
Philosophy in the Marketplace, Classics, graduate seminar, Fall 2014 Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World, Classics, undergraduate seminar, Spring 2014 Ancient Drama, Classics, undergraduate seminar with performance module, Fall 2011 Philosophy and Literature, Thematic Option, undergraduate seminar, Fall 2010 Ancient Science, Classics, undergraduate seminar, Spring 2010 Pragmatics of Cultural Production, Classics, graduate seminar, Spring 2010 Performing Wisdom, Thematic Option, Fundamental to Greek and Roman philosophy is the concept of the ‘art of living’ which maintains that living a good life is at heart a public performance, and thus entails particular modes of action, engagement, and self-presentation and stylization. Philosophical theory and practice, thoughts and deeds together contribute to the philosophical art of constructing, performing, and becoming the right sort of character. In addition to reading philosophy with an eye to how the ancients variously embodied and performed their wisdom, this course explores techniques drawn from contemporary performance theory in highly performative, experimental, and collaborative learning environments in order to develop an appreciation for this particular sort of philosophical activity. Performing Wisdom aims primarily at developing this craft for the participants’ own efforts at self-examination and presentation., Spring 2008