所属学校:Baylor University
所属院系:Real Estate
所属专业:Real Estate
联系方式:(254) 710-2260
Ph D - Business Administration, UNIV TEXAS AUSTIN, 1971 MBA - Finance, UNIV TEXAS AUSTIN, 1969 BS - Marketing, ABILENE CHRSTN UNIV ABILENE, 1964 Bill Petty is Professor of Finance, and the W.W. Caruth Chairholder of Entrepreneurship, at Baylor University, where he is designated as a University Master Teacher. Before entering the academic profession, he worked in the oil and gas industry, and currently serves on the board of a publicly-traded independent energy firm. He has published in numerous finance journals and is the co-author of two leading corporate finance textbook, Financial Management, and Foundations of Finance, and co-author of a widely used text, Small Business Management. He has also co-authored a book, Value-Based Management: Corporate America’s Response to the Shareholder Revolution, published by the Oxford University Press.
Professor of Finance &the W.W. Caruth Chair of Entrepreneurship, Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate Department (1990 - Present) Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Austin (January 1990 - July 1990) Visiting Professor, Northeastern Unversity (June 1983 - August 1983) Visiting Professor, Northeastern University (June 1981 - August 1981) Dean, College of Business Administration, Abilene Cristian University (1981 - 1989) Professor of Finance, Abilene Christian University (1979 - 1990) Visiting professor, Northeastern University (June 1978 - August 1978) Visiting Professor, Northeastern University (June 1974 - August 1974) Faculty Intern, U.S. Treasury (June 1973 - August 1973) Professor of Finance, Texas Tech University (1973 - 1979) Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech University (1970 - 1973)