所属学校:University of Washington-Seattle Campus
所属院系:Computer Science & Engineering
所属专业:Computer Science
联系方式:(206) 543-6678
I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, an adjunct professor in the Information School, and a member of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Urban Design and Planning. My current research is in two areas: human-computer interaction and programming languages.
In programming languages, I've been working on constraint-based languages and systems. Along with object-oriented programming, this was my primary research area for many years. I stopped around 2000, but have resumed recently, currently working with researchers at Viewpoints Research Institute, Communications Design Group, and the Software Architecture Group at Hasso Plattner Institute. (These groups are all intertwined.) Historical papers from the UW Constraint-Based Languages and Systems group are here; I've put recent papers in this area on my recent publications list. Also, here is a recently revived version of ThingLab (the topic of my PhD dissertation), now running in a Smalltalk-78 emulator in Javascript.