职称:Assistant Education Specialist // Managing Editor, CourseSource
所属学校:University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
所属院系:Biology Teaching and Learning
所属专业:Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other
In my role as an assistant education specialist, I will have the opportunity to design and implement course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) in several non-majors and introductory biology courses. I am interested in learning gains of the students related to content and science process skills as well as gains in overall confidence regarding science literacy. In this position, I will also be able to ask questions such as: How long does a CURE have to be to have the same beneficial effect? Does a computer based CURE reach the same level of benefit that a traditional “wet-lab” CURE has? What elements of a CURE result in a particular learning gain? In my role as managing editor of the journal CourseSource, I am interested in determining what makes a curricular resource more likely to successfully be used by faculty and instructors. Teaching statement My goals as a science educator are fourfold: 1) Lead a student centered classroom where students participate in their own learning using a variety of active methods and assessments. 2) Foster a learning environment that encourages engagement with fellow students to create a diverse and rewarding experience. 3) Create well-informed “scientific citizens” that will be able to go out into their communities and speak intelligently and confidently about scientific issues. 4) Promote an environment of curiosity and excitement, one that mimics the process and “feel” of science done in laboratories