

















Arnold Caplan


所属学校:Case Western Reserve University

所属院系:arts and sciences

所属专业:Biology/Biological Sciences, General



Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616, 1959 to 1963. B.S., Chemistry, 1963; spent 1½ years working for Dr. A. E. Martell, Chairman, Chemistry Department, on the chelative structure of reduced glutathione. The Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, 1963 to 1967. 1963-1966, Ph.D., Physiological Chemistry; during the first year of graduate school, participated in a research project, "The Effects of Sr++ on Swelling and ATP-Linked Contraction of Mitochondria," under the supervision of Dr. Albert L. Lehninger. Thesis work, under the supervision of Dr. J. W. Greenawalt, was concerned with the separation, identification and characterization of the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. This entailed a combined electron microscopic and biochemical approach. 1966-1967, Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. C. R. Hackenbrock, Department of Anatomy; research was concerned with an investigation of the ultrastructure of isolated, intact mitochondria during various metabolic states. The observations obtained were used to elaborate the general thesis of the ultrastructural basis for energy transfer. Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1967 to 1969. 1967-1968, Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. N. O. Kaplan, Graduate Department of Biochemistry; in collaboration with Dr. E. Zwilling of the Biology Department, investigation of the effects of nicotinamideantagonized teratogens on cartilage and muscle development in both in vitro and in vivo systems. 1968-1969, Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. E. Zwilling, Department of Biology; continuation of work initiated during the previous year.


Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, 1969 to Present. 1981-Present Professor, Department of Biology. Director, Cellular and Molecular Basis of Aging Training Program (ended 2007). 1986-Present Director, Skeletal Research Center. Professor of General Medical Sciences (Oncology). 2005- Present Professor of Biomedical Engineering. 2004-2011 Professor of Pathology. 1989-2000 Professor of Physiology and Biophysics. 1984-1985 Erna and Jakob Michael Visiting Professor, Department of Biophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. 1981-1988 Professor, Developmental Genetics and Anatomy. 1976-1977 (Josiah Macy, Jr. Faculty Scholar Award), Sabbatical Leave, Faculte de Medecine de Strasbourg, Institute de Chimie Biologique, 67085 Strasbourg CEDEX, France. In the laboratory of Prof. Pierre Chambon, research involved investigation of chromatin structure and function, especially as related to molecular details of the relationship between poly (ADP-ribose) and other chromatin constituents. Case Western Reserve University - Continued 1975-1981 Associate Professor, Departments of Biology and Anatomy; Co-Director, Developmental Biology Center; Research involved elucidation of the factors controlling muscle, bone and cartilage development in chick limb mesodermal cells. A working hypothesis was suggested that the local metabolic environment had a profound effect on the choice mechanism(s) governing mesodermal cell differentiation into particular phenotypic pathways. 1975-1991 Co-Director, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Program. 1973 (Research Career Development Award) Leave of Absence as Visiting Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California Medical School, San Francisco, California 94122. In collaboration with Dr. Brian J. McCarthy, investigation into the basis of gene selectivity. 1969-1975 Assistant Professor, Departments of Biology and Anatomy (Medical School).
