所属学校:University of Maryland-College Park
所属院系:College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
所属专业:Gay/Lesbian Studies
联系方式:(832) 276-7890
Ernesto Calvo (PhD, Northwestern University 2001) is an Associate Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Government and Politics (GVPT), University of Maryland-College Park. His research on political representation, elections, and Congresses, has received the Lawrence Longley Award and the Leubbert Best Article Award from the Representation and the Comparative Politics sections of the American Political Science Association. He is the author of Legislator Success in Fragmented Congresses in Argentina (Cambridge U.P: 2014) and La nueva poltica de Partidos (Prometeo: 2005). His work has been published in US, European, and Latin American journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, World Politics, The British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Electoral Studies, Poltica y Gobierno (Mexico), Desarrollo Econmico (Argentina), Opiniao Publica (Brazil), and the Revista de Ciencia Politica (Chile).
2010 - : Associate Professor, University of Maryland, USA. 2008-2013 : Visiting Professor at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Argentina), Universidad de San Martin (Argentina), CIDE (Mexico), USP (Sao Paulo, Brazil). 2007 - 2010: Associate Professor, University of Houston, USA. 2002 - 2007: Assistant Professor, University of Houston, USA. 1999 - 2002: Clinical Assistant Professor, Universidad Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1998 - 1999: Instructor. Political Science Department. University of Illinois at Chicago. USA. 1998 - 1999: Instructor. Northwestern University. USA.