所属学校:University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
所属院系:Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
所属专业:Educational Leadership and Administration, General
My past research includes studies in international human resource development, entrepreneurship, knowledge management, and organizational culture. Examples of my empirical research include: a series of quantitative studies linking leadership styles and cultural values of managers and employees in the U.S., Western and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union; qualitative and quantitative studies of the meaning of working in Russia, Germany, and Poland; a longitudinal study of human resource practices and organization development in entrepreneurial firms in the USA; a series of studies of knowledge generation and sharing in a U.S.-based multinational corporation. My most recent area of interest is the research on the interplay of business ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and organizational and national cultures. I am working on related projects with a group of colleagues from the Center for Ethical Business Cultures, and several foreign universities. Our related research was published in the Journal of Business Ethics, Human Resource Development International, and the Human Resource Development Review. Much of my research is done in international settings and involves cross-cultural comparisons. I speak several languages, have traveled to numerous countries of the world, have done research and consulting in Europe, Latin America, and Asia, and have taught numerous graduate courses in foreign countries. In the U.S., I have done consulting or applied research at large business organizations (among them Caterpillar, Honeywell, the Carlson Companies, ADM, ADC, and Target), and numerous smaller businesses and non-profits.