所属学校:University of Maryland-College Park
所属院系:College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences
所属专业:Biology/Biological Sciences, General
联系方式:(301) 405-1628
Cooke, TJ, Poli, DB, and Cohen, JD. 2004. Did auxin play a crucial role in the evolution of novel body plans during the late Silurian-early Devonian radiation of land plants? In: AM Hemsly and I Poole, eds. The Evolution of Plant Physiology, pp. 85-107. Academic Press: London. Cooke, T.J. 2006. Do Fibonacci numbers reveal the involvement of geometrical imperatives or biological interactions in phyllotaxis? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 150: 3-24. Watkins, J.E., Coffey, J.E., Redish, E.F., and Cooke, T.J. 2012. Disciplinary authenticity: Enriching the reform of introductory physics courses for life science students. Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research. 8, 010112. Redish, E.F., and Cooke, T.J. 2013. Learning each other's ropes: Negotiating interdisciplinary authenticity, Cell Biology Education - Life Science Education 12:175-186. Banavar J.R., Cooke, T. J., Rinaldo, A., and Maritan, A. 2014. Form, function, and evolution of living organisms. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences USA. 111: 2417-2424.
I am currently teaching an introductory course in organismal biology called BSCI 207 Principles of Biology III: Organismal Biology and its honors version HLSC 207. I am also serving as the Director of Integrated Life Sciences, which is a new Living-Learning Program in the Honors College. On an ad hoc basis, I participate in graduate seminars focusing on recent advances in plant biology and in biology education research.