所属学校:University of Maryland-College Park
所属院系:A. James Clark School of Engineering
所属专业:Materials Engineering
联系方式: 301-405-5214
Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad Mohamad Al-Sheikhly Professor 2103 Potomac Building Email: mohamad@umd.edu Phone: 301-405-5214 Lab Description(s): Biophysical and Polymer Radiation Laboratory Laboratory for Radiation and Polymer Science Website(s): http://al-sheikhly.umd.edu News About This Professor Education Ph.D., University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, 1981 Research Interests Polymers, biomaterials, radiation engineering, nuclear engineering, environmental effects.
Professor Al-Sheikhly is also a member of the faculty of The Graduate Program in Nuclear Engineering, a component of the Clark School's Sustainable Energy Engineering Program. For more information please visit the program's web site at www.ennu.umd.edu. Dr. Al-Sheikhly developed and typically teaches the following courses: ENMA 620: Polymer Physics The thermodynamics, structure, morphology and properties of polymers. Developing an understanding of the relationships between theory and observed behavior in polymeric materials. ENMA 624: Radiation Engineering Ionizing radiation, radiation dosimetry and sensors, radiation processing, radiation effects on; polymers, metals, semiconductors, liquid, and gas, radiation in advance manufacturing, radiation-physical technology. ENNU 489C & ENMA 698D: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Degradation of Materials ENCH 468J: Environmental Chemical Engineering ENMA 489E/ENNU 468E: Radiation Engineering ENMA 489: Environmental Effects on Engineering Materials ENNU 631: Applied Radiation Physics ENMA 698R: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Radiation Effects in Polymers