所属学校:University of Florida
所属院系:College of Pharmacy
Hartmut Derendorf has been teaching Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics at the University of Florida since 1983. In 1995, he received the UF Teaching Improvement Award, and in 2008 the HHMI Distinguished Mentorship Award. He was awarded the UF Research Foundation Professorship (2002), the CVS Pharmacy Endowed Professorship (2007-2013), the International Educator of the Year Award (2004-2007) and the UF Doctoral Advisor/Mentoring Award (2009). He has supervised more than 40 Ph.D. students. Dr. Derendorf has published more than 400 scientific publications and given more than 750 presentations at national or international meetings. He has published six textbooks in English and German. He is editor or associate editor of four scientific journals and serves on the editorial board of five others. His research interests include the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of corticosteroids, analgesics, antibiotics as well as drug interactions. Derendorf has served as President of American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) in 2006/08 and President of International Society of Anti-infective Pharmacology (ISAP) in 2004-2006. He won the McKeen-Cattell Award for the best publication in J. Clin. Pharmacology (1994) and the Faculty Award of the University of Utrecht (2005). He is a Fellow of AAPS and ACCP as well as a review panel member of the NASA Human Research Program.
1993 - 2003 Professor Dept. of Pharmaceutics College of Pharmacy University of Florida 1987 - 1995 Chairman 1998 - Dept. of Pharmaceutics College of Pharmacy University of Florida 1987 - 1993 Associate Professor Dept. of Pharmaceutics College of Pharmacy University of Florida 1983 - 1987 Assistant Professor Dept. of Pharmaceutics College of Pharmacy University of Florida