所属学校:Stony Brook University
所属院系:Technology and Society
所属专业:Social Psychology
联系方式:(631) 632-8962
Dr. FRED PHILLIPS joined the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 2011 as Professor and Program Chair. Earlier he was Vice Provost for Research at Alliant International University, and before that Associate Dean at Maastricht School of Management, in the Netherlands, where he remains, for part of each year, Professor of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Research Methods. He is also a Senior Fellow at the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin and Profesor Afiliado at CENTRUM, the business school of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Lima.
Dr. Phillips is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s international journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change. He authored the textbook Market-Oriented Technology Management (Springer 2001), the popular title The Conscious Manager: Zen for Decision Makers (General Informatics 2003), and most recently a book on high-tech economic development, The Technopolis Columns (Palgrave 2006). In addition to current appointments, he has held teaching, research, and management positions at the Universities of Aston and Birmingham in England, General Motors Research Laboratories, Market Research Corporation of America, the University of Texas at Austin, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, SUNY Stony Brook, and Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratories.