

















Kevin Allen Jacobs

职称:Associate Professor

所属学校:University of Miami

所属院系:School of Education and Human Development

所属专业:Sport and Fitness Administration/Management



Kevin Jacobs joined the faculty at the University of Miami in 2004. He completed his Masters in applied exercise physiology at San Diego State University in 1993 and worked as a research physiologist at the Naval Health Research Center in San Diego until 1995. He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Ohio State University in 2000 and completed a four-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley and the Palo Alto VA Health Care System. His research focus is human metabolism and more specifically the ways in which factors such as exercise intensity, nutritional status, training status, gender, age, menstrual cycle phase, and environment alter substrate (carbohydrate, fat, and protein) use at rest and during exercise. His research involves basic measurements such as the analysis of respiratory gas exchange and concentrations of various blood metabolites and hormones to more complex measurements of substrate turnover by stable isotope infusion and analysis. The results of his research not only further basic science, but are also applied to improving our understanding of the etiology of metabolic diseases such as obesity and non-insulin-dependent diabetes and developing more effective lifestyle interventions to prevent and treat these diseases. His research has involved men and women of various ages and levels of fitness as subjects that have been studied in environments as varied as a standard laboratory at sea level to a high altitude research station at Pikes Peak, Colorado (14,100 ft. elevation). While at the University of Miami, Dr. Jacobs and his students have investigated many topics including pharmacological and ischemic preconditioning effects on cardiovascular hemodynamics and exercise performance at simulated moderate and high altitudes, pre-exercise sprints and glycemic control in type 1 diabetics during prolonged exercise, cervical strength training and head kinematics during a football tackle, and aerobic training and markers inflammation. Additionally, Dr. Jacobs is engaged in collaborative research with The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine to examine the effects of exercise and nutritional manipulations on lipid use in men and women with spinal cord injuries. He is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine. His most recent publications include “Ischemic preconditioning does not improve peak exercise capacity at sea level or simulated high altitude in trained male cyclists” in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, Heavy reliance on carbohydrate across a wide range of exercise intensities during voluntary arm ergometry in persons with paraplegia” in Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, “Sildenafil has little influence on cardiovascular hemodynamics or 6-km time trial performance in trained men or women at simulated high altitude” in High Altitude Medicine and Biology, and “Sildenafil does not improve steady state cardiovascular hemodynamics, peak power, or 15-km time trial cycling performance at simulated moderate or high altitudes in men and women” in European Journal of Applied Physiology.


University of Miami Associate Professor 8/10 - Present University of Miami Assistant Professor 8/04 - 7/10 Univ ersity of California, Berkeley Postdocto ral Fellow 9/00 - 12/01, 9/02 - 7/04 P alo Alto VA Health Care System Postdoctoral Fellow 1/02 - 8/02
