所属学校:Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
所属院系:college of computing
所属专业:Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance
Dr. Ellen Zegura received the B.S. degree in Computer Science (1987), the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering (1987), the M.S. degree in Computer Science (1990) and the D.Sc. in Computer Science (1993) all from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Since 1993, she has been on the faculty in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. She was an Assistant Dean in charge of Space and Facilities Planning from Fall 2000 to January 2003. She served as Interim Dean of the College for six months in 2002. Since February of 2003, she has been an Associate Dean responsible for Research and Graduate Programs. She is the proud mom of two girls, Carmen (born in August of 1998) and Bethany (born in May of 2001), whose pictures have never made it onto the web
Since 1993, she has been on the faculty in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. She was an Assistant Dean in charge of Space and Facilities Planning from Fall 2000 to January 2003. She served as Interim Dean of the College for six months in 2002. Since February of 2003, she has been an Associate Dean responsible for Research and Graduate Programs. She is the proud mom of two girls, Carmen (born in August of 1998) and Bethany (born in May of 2001), whose pictures have never made it onto the web.