所属学校:University of San Diego
所属院系:Leadership Studies
所属专业:Educational Leadership and Administration, General
联系方式:(619) 260-7818
Professor Lea Hubbard joined the School of Leadership and Education Sciences faculty in 2002. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California San Diego with a concentration in the Sociology of Education. She has written and co-authored numerous books and articles on educational leadership, school reform, as well as the academic achievement of minority students. Dr. Hubbard’s primary research focus is on educational inequities as they exist across race, class and gender.
She is currently conducting research on Linked Learning, a high school reform designed to improve educational opportunities for students and investigating elementary school principals’ efforts to implement data driven-decision making to improve educational outcomes. The Spencer Foundation, the Federal Department of Education, Broad Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation have funded Dr. Hubbard’s research. Working internationally is one way Dr. Hubbard devotes her time to education reform. Her work has taken her and USD students on education trips to South Africa and Costa Rica. In 2011, she conducted research in New Zealand where she worked with New Zealand educators to understand the recent implementation of National Standards. She presented a paper at the NZEALS International Educational Leadership Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, from her research on the SOLES Educational Leadership Development Academy’s POST program for veteran principals. She will be teaching a class on educational reform in Santiago, Chile, in January 2013.