职称:Associate Professor
所属学校:Yeshiva University
所属院系:Yeshiva College
所属专业:Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Dr. Carl Feit is a noted cancer research scientist and ordained rabbi who holds the Dr. Joseph and Rachel Ades Chair in Health Sciences at Yeshiva College. Dr. Feit has chaired the biology department of Yeshiva College since 1985. Prior to coming to Yeshiva, he was a research scientist at the immunodiagnosis laboratory at the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. He serves on the editorial board of Cancer Investigation and is also a Talmudic scholar who has lectured and taught Talmud classes for many years. He is a founding member of the International Society for Science and Religion. Dr. Feit has a BA from Yeshiva College and earned his PhD at Rutgers University.
1987 - present Ades Chair in Health Science, Yeshiva University 1985 - present Associate Professor of Biology, Yeshiva University 1977 - 1 985 Research Associate, Laboratory for Immunodiagnosis, Sloan - Kettering Institute for Cancer Research 1975 - 1977 Associate Researcher, Laboratory for Immunodiagnosis, Sloan - Kettering Institute for Cancer Research 1973 - 1975 Postdoctora l Research Fellow, Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University