In the African Studies major, students gain a cross-disciplinary exposure to the arts, history, cultures, politics, and development of Africa. In the junior and senior years, students develop analytical ability and focus research in a particular discipline such as anthropology, art history, economics, history, languages and literatures, political science or sociology. African Studies offers training of special interest to those considering admission to graduate or professional schools, careers in education, journalism, law, management, city planning, politics, psychology, international relations, creative writing, or social work. The interdisciplinary structure of the program offers students an opportunity to satisfy the increasingly rigorous expectations of admissions committees and prospective employers for a broad liberal arts perspective that complements a specialized knowledge of a field. Requirements of the major: The program in African Studies consists of thirteen terms of course work including: at least one humanities and at least one social science Africa related course; unless waived by examination, two years of study in an African language (Arabic, Kiswahili, Yorùbá, or isiZulu); four term courses in a concentration (either in a discipline or in an interdisciplinary program or in a field agreed upon with the DUS); and One additional course is required that either serves to deepen the concentration or provide methodological tools for the senior essay. With the approval of the director of undergraduate studies, a student may take a double major in African Studies and an appropriate discipline or interdisciplinary program. The required courses represent the core of the program and are intended to expose the student to both the interdisciplinary nature of African studies and to the methodologies currently being brought to bear on the study of African cultures and societies. Students are encouraged to include upper-level courses, especially those centering on research and methodology. Junior requirement: Students must take the junior seminar on research methods, African Studies 401a. This course provides majors with theoretical and methodological bases for their senior year research. Students are expected to focus their studies on research in a particular discipline. Senior requirement: Each student is required to complete a senior essay. Students enroll in AFST 491 and work under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Languages: Competence in at least one African language is essential for an appreciation of the complexities of African societies. African Studies majors are required to complete at least the equivalent of two years of college-level study of an African language, and they are strongly urged to continue beyond this level. For the language requirement to be waived, students must pass a proficiency test of reading and oral comprehension approved by the director of the Program in African languages and the director of undergraduate studies. Students should begin their language study as soon as possible. Instruction is offered in five major African languages: Arabic, Kiswahili, Yorúbá, Wolof, and isiZulu. First-year instruction is sometimes available in other languages. Students interested in studying an African language should contact the director of the Program in African Languages. With the approval of the director of undergraduate studies, a student may take a double major in African Studies and an appropriate discipline or interdisciplinary program. Procedure: Students planning to major in African Studies should consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies as soon as possible. The DUS is Daniel Magaziner. Official Yale College program and course information is found in the Yale College Programs of Study. Master’s Degree The Master of Arts Program in African Studies is a two-year interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences designed to provide a broad understanding of African affairs. The program is designed for students wishing to go on to the doctorate as well as for those students seeking a terminal M.A. degree before entering the business world, the media, government service or a professional school. The Master’s program generally welcomes 4-6 students each year. Since students differ in prior academic preparation and experience, each student plans an integrated program with the Director of Graduate Studies that conforms to her or his needs and interests. Fields of Study: African Studies considers the arts, history, cultures, languages, literatures, politics, religions, and societies of Africa as well as issues concerning development, health, and the environment. The program offers considerable flexibility and choice. Enrollment in the M.A. program in African Studies provides students with the opportunity to register for the many African studies courses offered in the various departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the professional schools. In addition, the Program in African Studies offers two interdisciplinary seminars to create dialogue and to integrate approaches across disciplines. Special Admissions Requirements: The GRE General Test is required. The TOEFL is required of all applicants whose native language is not English. This requirement is waived only for applicants who will have received a degree, prior to matriculation at Yale, from a college or university where English is the primary language of instruction. There is no formal waiver process or form required. Special Requirements for the M.A. Degree: A student may choose one of the following areas of concentration: history; anthropology; political science; economics; sociology; arts and literatures; languages and linguistics; religion; environmental and development studies. The program requires sixteen courses: two compulsory introductory interdisciplinary seminars, Research Methods in African Studies (AFST 501) and Topics in African Studies (AFST 764), four courses of instruction in an African language, four courses in one of the above areas of concentration, four other approved courses offered in the Graduate School or professional schools, and two terms of Directed Reading and Research (AFST 900 a or b) during which students will complete the required thesis. A student who is able to demonstrate advanced proficiency in an African language may have the language requirement waived and substitute four other approved courses. The choice of courses must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies, David Simon. Students should consult with him as soon as possible in the first term. The Master’s Thesis: The Master’s thesis is based upon research on a topic approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and advised by a faculty member with expertise or specialized competence in the chosen topic. An archive of recent MA thesis titles can be viewed here. The graduate application should be accessed directly at Graduate Admissions. Ph.D. Fields of Study The Council of African Studies does NOT award a Ph.D. However, on occasion, some students will use the CAS Master’s Program as a stepping-stone to a Ph.D program. Usually, this path is chosen when the student aspires toward a Doctorate, but is not certain of the field through which to pursue it. The broad-based nature of the CAS program allows the student time to explore before deciding on a specific field.