Welcome to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences. We are a comprehensive unit encompassing all diagnostic disciplines of Dental Medicine. Our faculty direct several courses in our undergraduate and graduate curriculum that highlight the importance of a strong foundational knowledge of basic sciences to the practice of Dental Medicine. Our full-time members are board certified in their respective disciplines and offer comprehensive exposure to our students to routine patient screening and evaluation as well as diagnostic work-up of challenging cases. Our clinical services cover the School of Dental Medicine, the University Hospitals system (in collaboration with the Departments of Oral Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, and the AEGD program) and local practicing dentists and physicians. Our vision is to become a world-class center for oral medicine education and research and the diagnosis and non-surgical management of disorders occurring in the oral and maxillofacial complex. Interprofessional education and practice lie in the core of this mission, and we actively participate in several joint projects with the Schools of Nursing and Medicine. Our research involves orofacial pain, oral premalignant disorders, pediatric oral medicine, and interprofesional education outcomes. I appreciate your interest in our department and invite you to explore the additional pages that contain relevant information about who we are.