With an outstanding faculty who are nationally recognized in teaching and research, the Psychology Department at the University of California, Riverside provides a stimulating educational experience and conducts scientific investigations on a remarkable variety of psychological topics. For Undergraduate Instruction, the Department provides students with a broad range of opportunities in course work, in research experience, and in applied internships. Scientific research is a major focus in the department. Most classes emphasize not only theoretical approaches, but also the methods of scientific investigation of important psychological questions. There are many undergraduate research opportunities in the wide variety of laboratories in the department. General areas of study include thinking and perception, brain and behavior, development and aging, personality and motivation, language and communication, groups and identities, and health and well-being. For Graduate Study leading to the Ph.D. degree, the program is aimed at training for research careers in universities or private industry, for careers in the teaching of psychology, or for work in applied settings. We offer concentrations in Developmental psychology, Cognitive psychology, Social/Personality psychology, and Systems Neuroscience, with cross-cutting study in Quantitative psychology, in Family Studies, and in Health Psychology. There is no concentration in Clinical Psychology, but many graduate students study applied topics such as the promotion of the mental and physical health of children, adolescents, and the aging. Typically, graduate students receive financial support for five years.