The Department of Computer Science offers instruction and performs research in the essential areas of computer science including software, Web and Internet computing, networking, hardware systems, operating systems, compilers, parallel and distributed computing, theory of computing, and computer graphics. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (B.S.) is the preferred degree both for graduate study in computer science and for technical careers in software development, computational science, networking, information systems, and electronic commerce. Graduates of our program are well suited for professional employment in traditional computer and communications industries, as well as in such diverse industries as financial services and consulting practices in which computing and information management is central to the operation of the enterprise. The Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (B.A.) is the preferred degree for those whose interests in computing spans the boundaries of multiple disciplines and wish to integrate their study of computing with study in a related discipline. The bachelor of arts degree will prepare the undergraduate student for a career in either a traditional computing field, or a career in a field where computing is a significant enabling technology. Majors receive rigorous training in the foundations of computer science and the relevant mathematics, then have ample opportunity to specialize in software systems, programming languages, theoretical computer science, or applications of computing technology in science, applied mathematics, medicine, or business. Students with interests in the cognitive, social, and organizational roles of information should consider the information science major in the School of Information and Library Science. Students who wish to use computers vocationally and desire a technical introduction to computing should take one or more of the introductory courses, COMP 110, 116, and 401, and one or two more advanced courses such as COMP 410, 411, and 416. Students can minor in computer science with five courses, as described here. The department also offers a B.S./M.S. combined program that allows students to graduate with both a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Master of Science in Computer Science in as few as five years. The department offers COMP 101 for all students who wish to develop the ability to use a personal computer for common applications. COMP 380 Computers and Society is a philosophical and moral reasoning Approaches course that has no programming prerequisite. Many other courses satisfy General Education quantitative requirements.