The Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology (NBB) Major, which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree, is an interdisciplinary program that provides a unique science background and an excellent foundation for advanced studies in biological and behavioral research as well as medicine. The program draws upon the resources, expertise, enthusiasm, and commitment of a diverse faculty, including representatives from biology, psychology, anthropology, chemistry, philosophy, and the School of Medicine. Students may undertake independent laboratory research with Emory faculty, engage in challenging faculty-student interactions, and participate in seminars and special events that often present distinguished guest speakers. Qualified senior NBB majors can participate in the NBB Honors Program as well as become members of Nu Rho Psi Student Organization—Emory’s Neuroscience Honor Society. NBB majors have the unique opportunity to study with researchers affiliated with the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Cancer Society, the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, and the Neuroscience, Human Nature, and Society Initiative. NBB majors also have the opportunity to be involved in a study abroad exchange program with St. Andrews in Scotland. In cooperation with St. Andrews NBB graduates have the opportunity to obtain a Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Neuroscience in one year. Emory has become one of the largest Neuroscience Undergraduate programs in North America with over 400 majors and 85 Faculty from 23 departments ANDP Survey 2012 results.