The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in biology is the liberal arts major program, appropriate for students planning a career in law, policy, or secondary school teaching. It requires math and chemistry only through Calculus I and introductory chemistry. Two semesters of introductory biology and eight upper- level courses are required. The upper-level courses include courses in specific areas, as well as elective courses in biology and related biological sciences. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in biology is the degree recommended for students contemplating a career in biological or biomedical sciences. The B.S. degree requires either Calculus II or statistics, organic chemistry, and physics corequisites. Two semesters of introductory biology and eight upper-level courses are required. The upper-level courses include courses in specific areas, as well as elective courses in biology and related biological sciences. Concentration Areas — As part of the biology major, students may elect to complete requirements in specified sub-disciplines in the biological sciences. Completion of concentration requirements will result in a note on the student's transcript. Interdepartmental Major — A student may pursue an interdepartmental major program between biology and a related department in Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. The program is designed by the student and faculty advisors and must be approved by the director of undergraduate studies in both departments. An interdepartmental major consists of fourteen courses, at least ten of which must be at the 200 level or above, and at least four of the seven in each of the two departments must be taken within the department. More info on interdepartmental majors.