Today’s world of rapid urbanization faces tremendous social and environmental challenges. If you are interested in becoming a talented thinker and practitioner to engage and confront them, UEP is the right place for you. Our goal is the education of a new generation of leaders, ‘practical visionaries,’ who will contribute to the development of inclusive and sustainable communities. A key step toward this is making our institutions more responsive to child, adult, and ultimately community well-being by helping them understand, empathize with, and respond to the social, economic, and environmental needs of individuals and communities. At 40, UEP has grown tremendously in its capacity and influence. The UEP education integrates knowledge, skills and values to anticipate the future. You will develop an understanding of the dynamics of cities and regions, integrate theories and practices of planning and policy-making, explore creative ways to bridge social justice and sustainable development, and engage in community-based projects and research. UEP students are an activist group, successful in the creation of learning communities involving food system planning, climate policy and planning, and intercultural practice. For you, the room to grow and flourish is enormous. We offer two graduate public policy and planning programs culminating in either a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree, which is accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB), or a Master of Public Policy (M.P.P.) degree. Our curriculum is built around a set of six core values (below) and a set of competencies based on three areas: knowledge, skills, and policy and planning in practice. We offer a wide range of electives, many taught by seasoned practitioners with extensive teaching experience. Students benefit from our connections with other schools at Tufts and Boston College, through either taking courses or pursuing joint/dual degrees — among the areas are child development, nutrition and food policy, international affairs, environmental engineering, law, and business management. UEP is a community of practice and scholars - our faculty, students and alumni are public-spirited individuals committed to engaged processes and just outcomes for cities and communities. Enabled by the UEP education they receive here, our graduates progress to important positions and challenging careers in government, nonprofit organizations, citizen advocacy groups, international NGOs, and the private sector, both in the U.S. and across the world. Our diverse faculty is active in research and engaged scholarship; many are leading scholars in their respective fields of expertise. Just sustainability, environmental health and ethics, shrinking cities, housing and community development, child and family policy, and international planning and urban policy, to name just a few. Come and join us to foster your ambitions and hone your abilities. We look forward to hearing from you. Weiping Wu Professor and Chair UEP's curriculum is built around a set of six core values: An appreciation of the inextricable linkages between social, economic and environmental issues and the ability to make policy and planning recommendations accordingly; An appreciation of the role of values in policy formation and planning and the ethical/social responsibility of policy and planning professionals to act accordingly; An appreciation of the deeply embedded nature of gender, age, race, class, disability, culture and sexual orientation in all aspects of public policy and planning; An appreciation of the centrality of spatial, social and environmental justice to all aspects of public policy and planning; An appreciation of the need to understand the role of individual and community rights and responsibilities in public policy and planning; and An appreciation of the need to move society toward the development of sustainable communities where there is a high quality of human life, delivered in a just and equitable manner while respecting the limits of supporting ecosystems.