所属学校:North Carolina State University at Raleigh
所属院系:Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
所属专业:Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering
Dr. Edwards' long-term goal is to develop efficient and accurate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for conducting large scale simulations of complex flows for important engineering problems. Dr. Edwards is currently 1) developing large eddy simulation techniques for high speed internal flows in advanced engine concepts (ram jets, scram jets, etc.), 2) conducting simulations of entry/exit into collective protection systems designed to enable operation in contaminated environments, and 3) developing multi-phase flow simulation methods as applied to industrial/medical processes. In MAE, he collaborates with Dr. Dow, Dr. Eischen, Dr. Hassan, Dr. Luo, Dr. Fang, and Dr. Gopalarathnam. He is also Principal Investigator of the Aerospace Engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. At the graduate level, Dr. Edwards teaches Computation of Reacting Flows (MAE 770). This course is concerned with the general principles for formulating and solving the governing equations of reactive flows and multi-phase flows. He treats a wide range of problems in this course ranging from those in the atmospheric sciences to water flow in home faucets. At the undergraduate level, he teaches Aerodynamics II (MAE 356) and Computational Aerodynamics (MAE 456). In Aerodynamics II, Dr. Edwards places a strong emphasis on developing good practices in computer coding. In his Computational Aerodynamics course, he brings in examples that he has encountered in his own work pertaining to the physics of high-speed flows. The students who work with Dr. Edwards are drawn to his area of research because of the versatility of the CFD tool in all areas of engineering leading to work opportunities in government/industry labs. His students tend to have strong skills in communication, math, and computer programming. Outside of work, Dr. Edwards enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, and ice hockey (as a spectator).