职称: Professor
所属学校:North Carolina State University at Raleigh
所属院系:Public Administration
所属专业:Public Administration
JERRELL D. COGGBURN is Professor and Chair of Public Administration in North Carolina State University’s School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA). His main research interests are in public human resource management and public management. His research has been recognized with the 2010 Best Article Award from the American Review of Public Administration and the 1998 William E. and Frederick C. Mosher Award for the best Public Administration Review article written by an academician. His research has appeared in Public Administration Review, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, American Review of Public Administration, Public Performance &Management Review, International Journal of Public Administration, Public Administration Quarterly, and other scholarly outlets. Coggburn serves on the editorial boards of the Review of Public Personnel Administration and Public Personnel Management and the Executive Boards of the American Society for Public Administration’s Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations and the American Political Science Association’s Public Administration Section. He is a life member of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and serves as president of the ASPA Research Triangle Chapter. Coggburn previously chaired SPIA’s Department of Public Administration (2007-11) and served as its director of graduate programs (2007-2009). From 1999-2007, he was a faculty member at The University of Texas at San Antonio where he was also MPA director (2001-2004) and department chair (2004-2007). Coggburn received the B.A. degree in political science from Oklahoma State University and the MPA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of South Carolina.