职称:Associate Professor
所属学校:Saint John Fisher College
所属院系:Human Resources Management
所属专业:Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General
联系方式:(585) 899-3803
Ph.D., Kinesiology, University of Minnesota M.S., Exercise and Sport Science, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse B.S., Psychology, Sport, Health, Leisure and Physical Studies, The University of Iowa
Dr. Dane acquired much of her education in the Midwest region of this country (The University of Iowa, BS; University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, MS; The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities). Outside of the classroom, she has worked for a variety of agencies in the sporting industry such as the Grand Canyon State Games and the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. She was a high school cheerleading and pom pon coach for three years and also worked for a youth sporting organization called Young Olympians. Her research on the utilization of curriculum standards in Master’s degree sport management programs was shared with a private committee in the development process of the new accreditation standards for North American Society of Sport Management. Her future focus of this area will be to examine student successes post-graduation from approved and non-approved sport management programs. Dr. Dane’s gendered research products have been presented at several national conferences, and her current project entitled Male and Female Images in Sport Film is entering its second phase of data collection.