所属学校:University of California-Santa Barbara
所属院系: Philosophy Department
Most of my work has been in the field of philosophical logic, especially intensional logic, and on related topics in the philosophy of language. My main project has been the search for a theory of attributes, propositions, and concepts. In effect, I am trying to formalize Plato’s Theory of Forms so as to meet present day standards of rigor. At bottom I am intensely interested in the traditional, the really traditional, problems of philosophy: What are the fundamental categories of reality? What is the nature of abstract entities and our knowledge thereof (if any)? Does God exist? Are there such things as ethical facts? Hence my excursions into philosophy of religion, epistemology, and the theory of value, and my commitment to using the best available logical tools to attack the problems.
Professor, U. of California, Santa Barbara, 93 - present U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN: 79 - 93 (Full Prof: 90; Assoc . Prof: 84 - 89; Asst. Prof: 81 - 83; Visiting Asst. Prof: 79 - 80)Visiting Professor: U. of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria: 92, Karl - Franzens Universität, Graz, Austria: 90 Assistant Professor, U. of Texas, Austin, Texas: 75 - 78 Visiting Lecturer, U. of Washing ton, Seattle: 74 - 75 Lecturer, USC, Los Angeles, California: 70 - 73 Assistant Editor, Journal of Symbolic Logic : 69 - 70